
Yes, semen helps the sperm to swim and the sperm can never be seen with our eyes

There are no penis size enhancers

Menstruation starts as early as 9 years and stops at 45 years. But this varies from one person to another

Yes all boys experience wet dreams because it part of the body changes boys experience as they grow

No menstruation  is not a sign of starting to have sex, menstruation is a sign that you can easily get pregnant if you have unprotected sex

No sex does not stop menstrual cramps but instead exposes you to the risk of STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

No sex does not stop menstrual cramps but instead exposes you to the risk of STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

The body changes from childhood to adulthood with a lot of psychological and physiological changes like enlargement of breasts, Mood Swings, growth of public hair around genitals among girls. Boys experience wet dreams, deepening of the voice, frequent erections among others.